Panelists include:
Kirsi Madi -
UN Assistant Secretary General and UN Women Deputy Exec. Director for Resource Management, Sustainability and Partnerships at the U.N.
Richard C. Yancey
FAIA, LEED AP, Executive Director of Building Energy Exchange in NYC.
Jana Martins
Senior Advisor for Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing,
former European Parliament Climate
& Trade Lead.
October 16, 2024
Iria Leino exhibit event at Harper’s Gallery.
October 3, 2024
“After Work” – informal networking at Bjork Café & Bistro at Scandinavia House.June 9, 2024
Aland Day event - Smorgasbandet concert with Aina & Nina
Andersson followed by reception at the Norwegian Seamens’ Church.
May 23, 2024
Marimekko in store event – networking, shopping, refreshments
May 6, 2024
“Pearls & Wellness” - at Consulate Residence, Janika Gao talked
about nutrition and mental health, Alexa Edwards about yoga, Katarina Holm-DiDio
moderated and Liisa Rantakari-Elliott talked about pearls/House of Elliott.
April 25, 2024
“Sip & Shop” at Bjork Café & Bistro, Scandinavia House. Satu Nisu,
Textile Designer from Kuopio talked about her work. Laura Winterhalter from The Shop participated too.
February 27, 2024
Great New Opportunities for Women - Learn more about STEM
and Artificial Intelligence at the Consulate General of Finland in New York.
February 20, 2024
“How to Navigate the Tax Jungle” with Anki and Victor
Westerlund, Westmusa, Inc., at Anki’s midtown residence.
February 12, 2024
FAWN Annual Meeting
November 2, 2023
Pre-Holiday Event – Design & Wellness by Emma Harling
October 30, 2023
Eye of the Storm - Workshop by Veera Korjala
October 19, 2023
Finland's Journey to NATO
June 8, 2023
Finnish Jazz Concert & Happy Hour
May 13, 2023
Mongolian Gallery Visit
March 30, 2023 Networking in cooperation with The Shop and Björk Café and Bistro
March 9, 2023
How to Navigate the Tax Jungle 2023, Our host and speaker Anki Westerlund
February 9, 2023
Welcome Consul General, Ambassador Jarmo Sareva (fourth of 4 FAWN25 celebration)
November 19, 2022 Founders’ Forum (third of FAWN25 celebration)
October 11, 2022
Beauty & Poetry in the Mundane: Anne Levonen interviews Singer Petra Jasmiina (second of 4 FAWN25 celebration)
September 24, 2022
Visiting historic Neir’s Tavern founded in 1829 (first of 4 FAWN25 celebration)
June 17, 2022
Summer get-together at MET Museum Cantor Roof Garden
April 30, 2022
Vappu lunch at Scandinavia House
April 25, 2022
What's New at Valio, USA, with Kristiina Oikarinen, Product Manager
April 7, 2022
Artexpo visited with works of photo journalist Hamada Mousa
February 15, 2022
Tips for 2022 Tax Season with Anki Westerlund, International Tax Advisor, CPA
June 17, 2022
Summer get-together at MET Museum Cantor Roof Garden
April 30, 2022
Vappu lunch at Scandinavia House
April 25, 2022
What's New at Valio, USA, with Kristiina Oikarinen, Product Manager
April 7, 2022
Artexpo visited with works of photo journalist Hamada Mousa
February 15, 2022
Tips for 2022 Tax Season with Anki Westerlund, International Tax Advisor, CPA
December 13, 2021 Pikkujoulu
November 8, 2021
Anne Levonen interviews Singer Eeppi Ursin
October 4, 2021
Fall Season Opener: “Members' Forum”
Anne-Mari Paster, Finance Specialist and President Finland Foundation National, and Merja Laakso, store owner in Maryland, talked about their life stories
June 14, 2021
Summer Wellness: Mikaela Soldan, Yoga Teacher
Monday May 3, 2021
Lunch talk with 3 successful entrepreneurs (Henrietta, Annul and Mikael) moderated by Mari.
March 29, 2021
A presentation by Mirja “Mimi” Adams, Owner, Arctic Swan Bakery
February 22, 2021
A presentation by Anki Westerlund: Best Tax Tips 2021 and Dual Citizenship
November 23, 2020 Katarina Holm-DiDio presentation How to Cope and Stay Positive During Challenging times
October 5, 2020
Ballet Talk Elizabeth Kendall interviews Ballet Dancer Elina Miettinen
February 10, 2020 Communicate with Confidence with Celeste DeCamps
December 16, 2019 Holiday event with Inka Juslin, Artist & Founder/Editor Firstindigo & Lifestyle
October 7, 2019
Leading Ladies - Nordic Women Leaders", focus on different aspects of women’s leaders
June 25, 2019
FAWN joined Summer Jazz event at Scandinavia House with Kari Ikonen.
June 4, 2019
“Body & Soul” Eva Engman - Kahuna Reiki Master, Marika Turano - Feldenkrais Practitioner
May 11, 2019
“Dialogues des Carmelites” opera with Karita Mattila, after-opera drinks Empire Hotel Rooftop.
April 7, 2019
Celebration of the Art of Photojournalist Hamada Mousa (1946 - 2017) at Artexpo New York
March 13, 2019
an informal discussion and networking
February 6, 2019
Annual Meeting and “Talking about Art and Design” with
Amanda Millet-Sorsa, Artist, Creative Projects, & Inka Juslin, Founder/Editor Firstindigo & Life Style and Artist.
December 17, 2018 Holiday get together at Scandinavia House
October 15, 2018
Finnish & American Women's Network, Inc. in cooperation with Swedish Women’s Educational Association International, Inc. event at Hotel Roger Smith: - “Innovation” - an event about success
June 21, 2018
FAWN joined the Jazz event with Kaisa's Machine at Scandinavia House to celebrate Midsummer -Juhannus. Event included pre-concert reception.
May 12, 2018
The Tenement Museum tour "Hard Times", how immigrants survived economic depressions at 97 Orchard Street between 1863 and 1935,visit the restored homes of German-Jewish Gumpertz family, whose patriarch disappeared during the panic of 1873 and the Italian- Catholic Baldizzi family, who lived through the Great Depression.
March 14, 2018
FAWN had an an informal discussion about gender equality with Leena-Maija Lauren, Turku University, who shared ideas from the UN Commission on the Status of Women 62 Conference.
February 12, 2018
Finnish & American Women's Network Annual Meeting & “Learn more about Kalevala the Musical”, interview with and performance by Johanna Telander. Johanna Telander, born in Sweden, brought up in the Netherlands, is a full-blooded Finn who has spent half of her life in the U.S. Originally from Helsinki, Finland, she has a lot of professional experiences in the performing arts, especially in the music business both in Europe and in the U.S.She has own productions such as “Kalevala the Musical”, a contemporary rendering of Finland’s national epic poem.
June 22, 2017
FAWN joined the Jazz event with Olli Hirvonen at Scandinavia House. Pre-concert reception followed by jazz byOlli Hirvonen, the dynamic Finnish-born, New York-based guitarist, who performed compositions off of his second album,New Helsinki.
June 11, 2017
Art Walk along the Hi-Line ending with lunch and visit to the Whitney Museum
May 17, 2017
FAWN event at Scandinavia House, great networking and refreshments at Smorgas Chef before a private viewing of the current exhibit with works of Helene Schjerfbeck and three of her other strong contemporary Finnish female artists, active 100 years ago. To Finnish the evening a composer Rautavaara retrospective with Adrian Blanco
March 2, 2017
FAWN featured informal networking and we also met Katri Saunders, former longtime FAWN Board Member and still supporting FAWN regarding financial, database and website matters and Advisory Board Member, who was visiting from Tampere, Finland. Everybody had a great time!
February 7, 2017
Finnish & American Women's Network Annual Meeting at Hotel Paul
“Learn more about meditation and Reiki, an ancient Japanese technique”. Emily Rose Laochua, Meditation Teacher, talked about meditation, the practice of bringing stillness to the mind by connecting back to the body and the breath. Nonita Verma, Reiki Master, introduce us to Reiki, an ancient Japanese technique that is known for its ability to restore balance on all levels; physical, mental and emotional, working with the body’s own remarkable healing capabilities.
November 12, 2016
Fawn visited Louis Armstron House Museum in Corona Queens on followed by refreshments at La Brisa del Cibao Dominican Restaurant.Event sponsored by Kati Moran Memorial Fund.
October 4, 2016
Finnish & American Women's Network
“Season Opener”
Journalist and writer Elizabeth Kendall talked informally and shared her experiences about staying and working in Paris this past spring.
June 20, 2016
“Summer Get-Together with Margo Jefferson”
We celebrated summer on Monday at Tuttle’s Bar and Grill in New Your City while we enjoyed journalist and writer Elizabeth Kendall’s interview with award-winning author Margo Jefferson about her book "Negroland". Related topics such as diversity, friendships, etc. were also included since those are issues that most of us deal with in our professional and personal lives. There was a lively discussion following the interview. We want to thank Elizabeth and Margo for this great interview and contribution to our programming. Margo’s book will be out in paperback in August.
May 2, 2016
May Day Cruise
March 17, 2016
Meeting at Scandinavia House for pilot study on Finnish women's brand image and interview by Dr. Tuula Mittilä and Leena-Maija Lauren from the University of Turku.
March 10, 2016
Members and friends of the Finnish & American Women's Network gathered for drinks and networking at the American Table Café prior to enjoying a performance at Alice Tully Hall with Karita Mattila, soprano and Martin Katz, piano. It was part of Great Performers, New York’s classical-music series turns 50.
February 3, 2016 - "Celebrating the New Year while enjoying a blend of East and West”- During the event, we learned more about a destination further east, Mongolia. Ariun Sanjaajamts talked about the destination
March 18, 2015
“Celebrating that Arrival of Spring”
FAWN members and friends joined for a networking event and also to meet Katri Saunders, former longtime FAWN board member and still supporting FAWN regarding website matters, who was visiting from Tampere, Finland.
February 11, 2015
Annual Meeting:“Valentine Fun with Fashion” Presentation by Donna Nelskyla, Managing Partner, Braemer Ventures
December 13, 2014
FAWN makes an informal visit to IKEA.
November 8, 2014, members and friends of the Finnish & American Women’s Network (FAWN), joined in remembering Kati Moran by embracing an exciting part of New York City that offers a lot of culture and memories from the past – Sunset Park Brooklyn.
Highlights of the November 8 tour included: the Resurrection Church (formerly Imatra Hall), the co-ops, Sunset Park and the swimming pool, 40 Street/Finlandia Street, the previously Finnish Newspaper New York Uutiset building and the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church.
October 27, 2014
Riitta Widen, former President and Co-Founder of FAWN who is visiting from Tampere, Finland, meets friends at Scandinavia House
October 8, 2014
FAWN networking season opener at the Refinery Rooftop
May 11, 2014
Members and Friends of the Finnish & American Women's Network got together to enjoy ballet and learn more about Balanchine “Balanchine and the lost muse”
The Annual Scandinavian Luncheon on the Hudson River, Cruising on Board “The Destiny”
March 13, 2014
Leena Maija Lauren,
Turku University
February 11, 2014
Finnish & American Women's Network Annual Meeting, Valentine Fun and Petra Tabry's, Organization with Flair, presentatio to learn basic tips how to organize your home.
Saturday November 9 2013, “Memories of Finnish Harlem Tour” based on the book by Mauno Laurila was hosted by FAWN and sponsored by the Kati Moran Memorial Fund
October 8, 2013 networking season opener at Pescatore Restaurant, 955 Second Avenue
FAWN visited
Nygard Store May 16, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013 Cruising on Board “The Destiny”
February 7, 2013
Annual Meeting topic: “New Year Resolutions, Wellness, Pampering Yourself and Networking” and board election 2013
November 28, 2012
“Pikku-joulu Financial Workshop”, theme for the night was “To Know a Woman’s Worth”, our guest speakers Danielle Giordano and Susan Cooper, President, Empire Wealth Strategies.
September 5, 2012
Finnish & American Women's Network “Season Opener”
FAWN remembered Kati Moran by embracing an evening featuring the best of Finnish art and culture - enjoyed as Kati would have.
“Helene Schjerfbeck – 150 years after her birth – a Nordic pioneer of modernism” presented by Janet Rauscher, Princeton University Art Museum
We thank the Kati Moran Memorial Fund for the support of this event.
May 8, 2012 FAWN Advisory Board Member Maija Lähteenmäki, Ambassador of Australia & New Zealand, visits New York
May 6, 2012
March 15, 2012
Evening of networking, fun and mystery, introducing Jarkko Sipilä and his book “Nothing But the Truth”
February 28, 2012
Finnish & American Women's Network gathered on at Smorgas Chef at Scandinavia House, to discuss educational and women's issues with Leena-Maija Lauren, Turku, who was in NY for the Commission on the Status of Women 56th session at the United Nations. The Feb. 29: THE INTERNATIONAL HELVI SIPILÄ SEMINAR with the title She Says Yes to Economic Empowerment was also on the agenda
February 8, 2012
Valentine Fun with Jaana Kantola and Olli Hirvonen
January 26, 2012
FAWN's special guest speaker was Marika Turano, Director, Producer and Physical Trainer and licensed Feldenkrais Therapist, who introduced Feldenkrais method on how to relax, improve movements, expand self-awareness, and experience general well-being in today’s busy world
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